Vise’s config file is the vise.config.ts in the app root directory.

Available Configs

type ParsedViseConfig = ViseConfigVue3 & {
  // scaffold of current app, such as 'vue3-app' or 'react-app'
  scaffold: SupportedScaffold,

   * overwrite viteConfig.base
   * Base public path, can be a path or a url, must end with '/'
   * if config as a url, server will ignore assets in bundle
   * if config as a relative path start with '/', server will serve assets with that path
  base: string,

  // allow mutation of store during SSR, see more:
  strictInitState: boolean,

  // default page title to be used if the page do not set it with SSRContext
  defaultTitle: string,

  // custom favicon url
  faviconLink: string,

  // embed lib-flexible into head tag
  useFlexible: boolean,

  // path of custom HTML template
  customTemplate: string,

  // vite user config
  viteConfig: UserConfig,

  // the http port used when runs `vise dev`
  devPort: number,

  // class names added to server-generated <html> tag's class attribute
  htmlClass: string | (() => string),

   * HTML fragments appended to the <head> tag.
   * In certain scenarios <script> tag may need to be appended to the
   * start or end of the <head> tag, because SSR may change the contents
   * of the customTemplate <head>, this insert happens after render
  htmlFixedPositionFragments: HtmlFixedPositionFragment[],

   * pages in src/pages dir will be build as async chunks
   * pages in routerSyncPages will be load with eager config
  routerSyncPages: string[],

   * minify generated html with html-minifier-terser
   * pass bool or html-minifier-terser Options
  htmlMinify: HtmlMinifierTerserOptions | boolean,

   * routerBase of html pages, RegExp[] or string allowed
   * 1. for string type config, all request with base url will be processed with the render bundle
   * 2. for RegExp type config, multiple entries can be configured to access the same page
   * eg: [/(\/[\w-]+)?\/vise\/vue3-intro\//], (\/[\w-]+) is a variable part,
   * url.match(regExp)[0] is the dynamic routerBase。
  routerBase: RegExp[] | string,

   * generate CSR fallback html entries for CDN deploy in client bundle
   * default to false
  generateCsrHtml: boolean,

   * generate legacy js bundle
   * default to false
  legacy: boolean,